Basil Seeds
Brother Nature Seeds offers a wide selection of Basil Seeds grown in Victoria, BC Canada. If you are looking to start growing Basil Seeds in your greenhouse, backyard, or on your patio, we offer a wide selection of high quality heirloom seeds. Browse our selection of Basil Seeds below.
Successful sowing, growing and uses tips for Basil are as follows. Place a leak proof watering tray under your seedlings. Basil appreciates warmth. Use room temperature water rather than tap water for better production. Water seedlings far from stems to avoid damping off (bottom watering highly recommended) especially when young. Basil flourishes best in rich soil. It is advised to start your basil in a hotbed in April and relocate it to a warm border in May planting about 10 inches to 1 foot apart. Basil dies down every year in Canada so it is considered an annual that must be sown every year. Basil has a history of being used for mild nervous disorders and in the form of snuff to alleviate nervous headaches. Alongside its healing quality, Basil is well known for flavouring soups and stews as well as protecting your gardens from pests by masking the scent of other vegetables that pests are known to be attracted to. Basil can also easily be grown in pots in places where inclement weather can affect growth. This practice allows you to move the pots to a protected location should weather be an issue. Bright light is imperative to its success. Basil is a proven companion plant for tomatoes and peppers. It helps repel pests as well as improves the flavor. Â